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For Families » Math-Oriented Books » Mathematical Analysis

Books Related to Mathematical Analysis

For all readers:

The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure
by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, illustrated by Rotraut Susanne Berner and Michael Henry Heim
Henry Holt & Company Reprint edition [May 2000]
ISBN: 0805062998

Mathematics Subject[s]: Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Reasoning, Number Sense

In his dreams, Robert meets the number devil, a magical and clever being who introduces and explains some of the most complex mathematical concepts in such an engaging way that they become crystal-clear to Robert (and the reader). Infinite numbers, Fibonnaci numbers, prime numbers, ands numbers that appear in triangles become more than the stuff of dreams in this international best seller. You may be afraid of the bogeyman but, after reading this book, you’ll love the Number Devil.

For more experienced readers:

The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure
by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, illustrated by Rotraut Susanne Berner and Michael Henry Heim
Henry Holt & Company Reprint edition [May 2000]
ISBN: 0805062998

Mathematics Subject[s]: Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Reasoning, Number Sense

In his dreams, Robert meets the number devil, a magical and clever being who introduces and explains some of the most complex mathematical concepts in such an engaging way that they become crystal-clear to Robert (and the reader). Infinite numbers, Fibonnaci numbers, prime numbers, ands numbers that appear in triangles become more than the stuff of dreams in this international best seller. You may be afraid of the bogeyman but, after reading this book, you’ll love the Number Devil.

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