Villainy, Inc.
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· Overview
· Villainy, Inc. Briefing
· Anti-Villainy Unit (AVU) Briefing

About the Story » Villainy, Inc.

  Inside information:

» Dr. Wick, the Platypus, and the assorted Goons appear in animated scenes that introduce the concept of each mathematical mission.

» As the Undercover Agent solves one part of the mission, Dr. Wick and crew will appear again to comment and direct the Agent forward.

» At the end of each mission, the Agent is rewarded with another visit from Wick and Platypus. Each mission has several endings. The ending the Agent sees depends on how mathematically successful he/she was in solving the mathematical problems in the mission.

Villiany, Inc.

Villainy, Inc. Briefing

Dr. Eugene Wick, I.D. has always wanted to take over the world. Villainy, Inc. is the latest corporate front for his ambitions. Together with his sidekick Platypus and an assortment of Goons, Dr. Wick spends his time planning often-ludicrous projects that he thinks will lead to world-wide domination. Even the Platypus is sometimes skeptical of his schemes. But still, Wick perseveres.

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