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For Teachers » Teacher's Edition » Drive-Through Deceit » Math Vocabulary

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Math Vocabulary used in Mission

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Step-by-Step Directions: Activity A
Design 3 Yummy Meals

Step-by-Step Directions: Activity B
Find a Location for the Yummy's Franchise

Step-by-Step Directions: Activity C
Choose a Coupon with the Greatest Savings

Step-by-Step Directions: Activity D & Endings
Choose the Live Entertainment for Opening Day

Drive-Through Deceit - Math Vocabulary

Helper Text
Field Agents will use vocabulary words in almost all of their advice. To see a definition, students simply need to click an underlined word.

Average (mean)
The sum of all the items in a set of data, divided by the number of items in the set

Box-and-Whisker Plot
A visual display of statistical information, including the median, highest and lowest points, and quartiles of data

A number system that uses base ten, dividing whole numbers and parts of a number using a decimal point

The process of finding an approximate answer to a problem

An equation that states a rule or a fact about a relationship

A drawing or diagram that shows information

Line Graph
A way of visually representing information, usually plotted using points on a grid with an X- and Y-axis

A part of 100; an alternate way to express decimals or fractions

Pie chart (circle graph)
A visual display, showing parts of the whole as sections of a circle

In statistics, the entire group being considered from which a sample is drawn

Negative numbers
Numbers that are less than zero

The total that results when you add

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